In the book of John, we read the miraculous story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. As Jesus called to his friend, Lazarus rose from his grave, breathing, moving—fully alive—yet still bound by the clothes he was buried in. Is it possible that, like Lazarus, we too are still bound in our grave clothes? Held back by fear, or pride, or shame. Wrapped up in sin, or hurt, or anger, or unforgiveness. Grave clothes are anything that hold us back from everything God has for us. This describes many believers today—alive in Christ but still bound.
This study will help you experience life and freedom in Christ. Jesus has called us from death to life. We’ve responded in faith, and it’s time to break free. It’s time to live unbound.
In this new 6-session study, author Ryan McDermott invites us to shed the old life that has held us back and fully embrace the newness of life that Christ has made possible. Jesus died, not just so that we could have life, but so that we might be unbound and step into a new identity: holy, loved, chosen, and free.